A look back at Dementia Action Week


In September we highlighted Dementia Action Week, an important date on the calendar for many in the aged care industry and our wider community. This year, Dementia Australia called upon us to act now for a dementia-friendly future. With a focus on person-centered care, Montefiore supports residents living with dementia in residential care, as well as providing support for people living at home with dementia through our DementiaReady service. 


DementiaReady workshop 

DementiaReady is Montefiore’s community-facing service providing personalised post-diagnostic support for people living at home with all types and stages of dementia. Our aim is to support you or your loved one to feel empowered to live at home, engage with the community, and maintain independence after diagnosis.



On Tuesday 17th September, Montefiore welcomed people from the community to our free workshop at the Randwick campus with Francesca Glamorgan, Dementia Services Manager, and Amy Sender, Dementia Consultant. Attendees had the opportunity to have their questions answered and find out how the DementiaReady service can be tailored for them and their loved ones. 


Key takeaways from the workshop include: 

  • Normal aged related changes are different to changes experienced with Mild Cognitive Impairment, and this is different to changes associated with Dementia.
  • There are practical ways to manage the brain changes associated Dementia and live well at home.
  • The starting point is fostering a relationship between the person with dementia and the person caring for them that is authentic, empowering, compassionate, and curious.



Staff education and engagement 

Montefiore’s dedicated Dementia Care team don’t just work to support residents and families – they also provide education and resources for other Montefiore staff, with a focus this year on providing education to our dining staff. Through these important education initiatives, all staff are equipped with the knowledge and skills to provide personalised care to residents living with dementia. 



Some of the education initiatives include: 

  • Workshop on dementia and brain changes.
  • Educational Kahoot for Allied Health staff.
  • One page handouts in staff rooms on specific parts of the brain, what they’re responsible, how it may change with a disease like dementia, and how to support residents if you notice these changes.



Act now for a dementia-friendly future 

No matter where you’re at on your journey, Montefiore has resources that can help: