Allied Health

Montefiore’s approach to healthcare is unwaveringly holistic, with more than 120+ allied health practitioners on-staff offering personalised, multidisciplinary care.

Montefiore’s approach to healthcare is unwaveringly holistic, with more than 120+ allied health practitioners on-staff offering personalised, multidisciplinary care.

360-degree care for everyone

Montefiore’s allied health professionals enable our residents and Help at Home clients to function at their best physically, socially and emotionally. This means improved quality of life and support to live independently for longer. 


Our team provides a diverse range of health interventions including assessment, diagnosis and therapies to enable people maintain mobility, hearing, sight, speech and swallowing, as well as advice on good nutrition. We also provide psychosocial interventions such as counselling and music and art therapy.

What We Offer

  • Therapeutic leisure and lifestyle

    Our comprehensive recreation and lifestyle programs offer meaningful activities and social engagement to spark joy.

  • Occupational therapy

    Promoting independence and safety in daily self-care tasks, occupational therapists can provide assessment, training and equipment to improve function and mobility.

  • Physiotherapy

    Physiotherapists support movement and function through exercise programs and interventions that reduce pain, and optimise strength and mobility.

  • Social work

    Facilitating emotional and practical support for residents, clients and their families, social workers help with counsellors, advocates, and case managers.

  • Dietetics

    Dietitians and dietary coordinators assist with nutrition and hydration needs including special diets and assessments.

  • Speech pathology

    Assisting in the treatment and management of speech and communication, speech pathologists can also provide strategies to improve swallowing.

  • Podiatry

    Aiding in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of foot diseases, as well as foot and nail health, podiatrists are available based on assessed needs.

  • Dental services

    Our Randwick Campus features a fully equipped dental clinic. Hunters Hill offers a visiting clinic that provides regular assessment and treatment plans.

  • Creative therapy

    Music, dance and movement, and art therapy are used extensively across Montefiore to facilitate wellbeing, communication and connection.

  • Hydrotherapy

    Our state-of-the-art, on-site Aquatic Physiotherapy and Helsinki Wellness Program aims to increase function, strength and range of movement.

  • Massage therapy

    Regular massage helps to enhance health and wellbeing by reducing stress, pain and tension while improving circulation.

  • Aromatherapy

    Aromatherapy assists residents with physical, mood, cognitive or psychological issues through the use of essential oils and other compounds.

  • Clinical psychology

    Montefiore’s Clinical Psychologist helps to identify and treat mental health issues such as loneliness, depression and anxiety. Available by referral.

  • Optometry

    Optometrists assesses your vision and eye health. Our on-site optometrists provide advice, visual aids and specialist referrals. Available by referral.


Common questions about Allied Health


Allied health refers to a group of healthcare disciplines that support and complement our clinical teams, providing holistic support and interdisciplinary care. Our allied health specialists help residents maintain and improve mobility and function, manage chronic health conditions, enhance mental health and reduce hospital visits.

Montefiore offers an extensive range of allied health services including:

  • Physiotherapy
  • Exercise physiology
  • Occupational therapy
  • Dietetics
  • Speech pathology
  • Creative therapy
  • Dementia specialists
  • Clinical psychology
  • Leisure and lifestyle therapy

We also provide podiatrists, optometrists and audiologists by appointment.

Our interdisciplinary team framework supports the evolving needs of our residents.  

Our care staff facilitate referrals to our allied health team who assess the needs of our residents and determine appropriate healthcare solutions.

We provide needs-based allied health services at no additional cost. 

Yes, with 120+ on-site allied health staff you can foster meaningful an long lasting therapeutic partnerships with your practitioners in your ongoing care.


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